"Unknown" (Inconnu) is a fragrance inspired by the work of Mychèle Sylvander's "Untitled"(Sans titre). This photograph serves as the foundation for the artistic direction of the project.

The photographer explores themes of identity and water, utilizing a palette of cool colors and a square, symmetrical composition. Hence, I chose the name "Unknown" and a cubic shape.
The photographer's work on water and materials is translated here through the use of driftwood and polished glass for the bottle. Similarly, the Issey Miyake brand naturally fits due to its minimalist style, which complements the fragrance. The bell-shaped packaging allows for a true "dive into the unknown".
The photographer's work on water and materials is translated here through the use of driftwood and polished glass for the bottle. Similarly, the Issey Miyake brand naturally fits due to its minimalist style, which complements the fragrance. The bell-shaped packaging allows for a true "dive into the unknown".